
Why You Need a Wrongful Death Attorney

A wrongful death attorney can help you seek financial compensation when someone dies because of the negligence or misconduct of another person. Wrongful deaths can arise from a number of different types of accidents, including auto accidents, medical malpractice, workplace accidents and more.

A family member can file a wrongful death lawsuit after the loss of a loved one. A family may be entitled to monetary damages for the loss of their loved one’s support, services, inheritance or prospective future income.

It’s important to hire an experienced wrongful death attorney who can help you understand your rights. You need a lawyer who will protect your best interests and work hard to get you the compensation that you deserve.

Your Survivorship Can Be Considered in Your Wrongful Death Case

In many cases, the decedent’s spouse, legal partner or children can file a wrongful death suit for monetary damages. This includes lost earnings, future wages and benefits, pain and suffering, mental anguish and funeral expenses.

If you have lost a loved one and believe that they were killed by someone else’s negligence, you need to consult an experienced New York wrongful death attorney. A wrongful death attorney will help you decide whether or not to file a claim and can also represent you during trial if necessary.

Your Loss Is Heartbreaking and Time Does Not Make it Better

A loss of a loved one is devastating for any family. However, it is especially difficult to cope when a loved one passes away due to the negligent actions of others. It can be difficult to know where to turn for help and support during this time, but a wrongful death attorney can provide you with the guidance you need to obtain the justice that is justly owed.

You Need an Experienced NY Wrongful Death Lawyer

The attorneys at Finkelstein & Partners, LLP have extensive experience in wrongful death litigation and know the intricacies of New York law. We will make sure that your case is handled with care, compassion and sensitivity so you can move on in your life after your loved one’s death.

Your Loss is Urgent and Needs to be Addressed Right Away

Even though you are in shock, it is crucial that you do not wait to pursue your wrongful death attorney claim. You must act quickly in order to be able to claim the full compensation that you are entitled to under New York law.

There is a very short time limit to file a wrongful death claim in most states. You must do this within two years of the date of your loved one’s accident or you will not be able to recover any compensation.

You should also ensure that you have evidence to prove the wrongful act that caused your loved one’s death. It is important to have the facts and proof in hand when you speak with an attorney about your case.

It is important to remember that not all fatal injuries can be determined with certainty, and some cases require multiple sources of evidence. It is important that you seek a wrongful death attorney as soon as possible to find out if you have a case.

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